
Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Breakfast foods are my favourite type of foods so I always look forward to my breakfast and am constantly coming up with new breakfast meals. I really wanted to share with you all a breakfast wrap that I have been having lately that is so easy but really delicious.

♥ Ingredients
1 Egg
Handful of Spinach
1 Shallot
1/2 Tomato
1 Wholemeal wrap
Vegetarian Bacon
Himalayan Pink Sea Salt
Black Pepper

♥ Method
Step #1- Cook the egg and vegetarian bacon (or real bacon if you aren't vego) in a frying pan. Add the shallots, tomato and spinach later on when the egg and bacon is nearly finished cooking.
Step #2- Add the mixture to a wholemeal wrap then use a sandwich press to crisp the wrap.
Step #3- Season with Himalayan pink sea salt and black pepper then serve.

Really simple but too delicious to not share with you all! I love having this for breakfast whenever I feel like something really hearty and filling.

If you try this recipe out and want me to see what you made, use the hashtag on 
instagram or twitter #JordysCooking
Thanks for reading :)


  1. This sounds delicious! Can't wait to try it

  2. I really loved it. As I love Cooking, would love to see more recipes. Even I sharing Links of 'Indian Recipes cooking show', 'Indian Cooking Recipe', 'Indian Cooking' do check.

  3. Wow, I used to eat these all the time and had forgotten about them :) Thanks for the reminder - will be packing up wraps at the supermarket tomorrow along with some shallots which I've never eaten before in wraps (I usually use just regular onion).

    BTW, found you from YouTube. Your videos are great :)
