
Saturday, February 18, 2023

How to Spice Up Dinner Time When You Can't be Bothered to Cook

Dinner time is a great opportunity to come together as a family, but sometimes the thought of
cooking dinner can be daunting. When you’ve had a busy (or bad) day at work, you’re tired, or you
have other things going on, sometimes the last thing you want to do is spend ages in the kitchen. But
don’t let that stop you from having fun at the dinner table. In this blog post, we’re going to run some ideas
to spice up dinner time when it feels like you just can’t be bothered to cook.

Cook With Your Kids

Invite your kids into the kitchen for an interactive cooking experience. Cooking with your kids teaches them
important life skills, plus it’s a great way for them to bond with you and have fun! Let them help you prepare
dinner—start off by letting them measure out ingredients or stir in seasonings. As they get more
comfortable in the kitchen, you can let them do more complicated tasks like cutting vegetables or forming
meatballs. Not only will this keep them engaged while dinner is being prepared, it’s also a great way to
bond as a family while teaching valuable skills all at once. And you can get your partner to clean up!

Take Advantage of Meal Delivery Services

If cooking really isn't your thing, there's no shame in taking advantage of restaurant delivery services or
meal subscription boxes that allow you to make delicious dinners without having to actually do any
cooking yourself. You can even find meal kits that include all of the ingredients that you need in order to
make complete meals without having to shop yourself. Plus, there’s also the option to order in from your
bakery or deli locally too! There are dozens of meal delivery companies on the market these days,
so take some time to shop around and find one that fits your needs best. Plus, many offer discounts for
first-time customers so don't forget to ask about any deals before ordering.

Get Creative With Leftovers

Sometimes there's just not enough time during the weekdays for making full meals from scratch every
night. Instead of throwing out leftovers from previous meals, get creative and
repurpose those items into
something new and exciting. For instance, if you have leftover mashed potatoes from Sunday lunch, whip
up some potato pancakes for Tuesday night's dinner. Or if you have extra veggies lying around in the
fridge—like bell peppers or spinach—they're perfect additions to omelettes or scrambles any day of the
week. Repurposing leftovers is an easy way to make sure nothing goes wasted while also putting together
quick and delicious meals throughout the week.

Eating Well When You Don’t Want to Cook

Making dinner doesn't have to be hard or boring. Spice up your mealtimes with these ideas and enjoy
spending quality time with your family at home while avoiding hours spent slaving over a hot stovetop.
From getting creative with leftovers to taking advantage of meal delivery services, there are plenty of
ways to make dinnertime fun even when it feels like you can't be bothered with cooking.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

4 Useful Cooking Techniques You Can Start Using For Breathtaking Homemade Dishes


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo from Pexels:

Cooking is an art. To make a dish look and taste great, it’s essential to have the right ingredients and
use the correct techniques. However, with the practice and application of the right methods, anyone can
make breathtakingly delicious homemade dishes. Here are four helpful cooking techniques you can start
implementing for better results in the kitchen.

1. Sauté:

Sautéing is one of the most common cooking techniques used across all types of cuisine. This method
works best with tender cuts of meat, fish, poultry, and vegetables cut into small, uniform pieces. It involves
heating oil or butter in a large skillet on medium-high heat until it is hot enough to cook the ingredients.
Tilt the pan slightly and shake it back and forth as soon as you add the food to prevent sticking. If
necessary, season with salt, pepper, herbs, and spices after sautéing for a few minutes. Once done,
transfer to a plate and serve hot.

2. Braising:

Braising is a slow cooking technique that involves two steps: cooking the food in fat on high heat until
lightly browned, then adding liquid (such as stock or wine) to cover most of the ingredients before reducing
the heat and simmering gently until cooked through. This method is excellent for
tougher cuts of meat
such as beef brisket or pork shoulder because it helps break down connective tissue while tenderizing
the meat.

3. Roasting:

Roasting is a great way to bring out the natural flavors of vegetables, poultry, and meat. To roast, preheat
the oven before adding any ingredients to a roasting pan. Season as desired, then add oil or butter before
cooking. Depending on how large your pieces of meat are, how thick they are, and how well done you
want them, the time needed to roast can range from 15 minutes to over an hour if you're wondering
how long to cook pork chops in oven at 180 degrees celsius

4. Grilling:

Grilling is a popular outdoor cooking technique that utilizes direct heat from charcoal or gas flames
below cooked food. For best results, preheat the grill for around 10 minutes before placing your food
on it and close the lid while grilling so that the heat is evenly
distributed throughout your dish. Generally,
cook meat and poultry on medium-high heat, while fish is best cooked on low. When done properly,
grilling imparts an incredibly delicious flavor to your dish—try it out next time you’re looking to host a BBQ!

No matter which cooking method, proper seasoning is essential if you want great-tasting food.
Experiment with different herbs and spices to find the perfect combination that suits your taste buds.
With practice and patience, soon enough, you will be able to whip up unique dishes in no time at all! So
get creative in the kitchen and start creating delectable meals today.